A Practical Guide To Optimizing Performance On The Web

Egwuenu Gift
6 min readDec 23, 2020
Photo by Ricardo Rocha on Unsplash

The web is continuously evolving and today we have millions of sites on the web and several users waiting to load these sites for one reason or another. There’s nothing more frustrating when you have to wait for a page to load for more than the expected time required due to a slow internet connection or unforeseeable reasons. According to this study, An average user's attention span only lasts for about eight seconds. So imagine if you have to wait for about three minutes before a site loads, That automatically means with crappy performance on any website the adoption of users will eventually decline and that’s not what we want to achieve.
Web Performance is the speed in which it takes for web pages to get downloaded and displayed on the user’s web browser.

Why Performance Matters?

Web performance is a rather interesting topic if you ask me, I think it is one of the things developers should be more focused on because, at the end of the day, we are building the web so it can be accessible to all our users regardless of any obstacles or challenges. Today, a lot of users browse the internet with 2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE connections and we are still expected to serve the web to them at the same speed. Performance is necessary and important for our users because of these reasons.



Egwuenu Gift
Egwuenu Gift

Written by Egwuenu Gift

Front End Developer|| Hobbyist Photographer >>Blogs at https://giftegwuenu.com

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